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Waldbrände: Inferno in Los Angeles – laut Biden kein Strom für Löschwasser

Aus Sicherheitsgründen ist die Energieversorgung in Teilen LAs abgestellt worden – das behindert die Löscharbeiten massiv. Hunderttausende fliehen, die Schäden gehen in die Milliarden.

The main conceptual idea from the Handelsblatt article is that the recent wildfires in Los Angeles highlighted a concerning vulnerability: a lack of readily available electricity to power the pumps needed to transport firefighting water. Specifically, the article states that President Biden believes the lack of electricity hindered firefighting efforts, suggesting that this issue poses a significant challenge to effectively combatting these increasingly frequent and intense wildfires. The article likely discusses the importance of investing in reliable, resilient infrastructure to ensure access to power during emergencies, particularly in areas prone to wildfires.

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